Annual Open Show 2024
The Club has decided not to hold an Annual Show in 2024. Instead a series of Mini-Shows will be held at selected meeting. The details and results
of the 2024 mini shows and both the 2023 and 2022 ones are below.
At each Show, there are prizes awarded in each category. There is no entry fee
Friday 6th December - topic: Photography
Class 1 - Architecture
1st Linda Salt
2nd David Clubley
3rd Malcolm Stewart
Class 2 – A Local Scene – taken within 5 miles of the Church
1st Rosey Foster
2nd Gill Munslow
3rd Linda Salt
Class 3 – A single flower in close-up
1st Rosey Foster
2nd Chris Doyle
3rd Louise Clubley
Class 4 – A Black and White Picture
1st Louise Clubley
2nd Linda Salt
3rd Malcolm Stewart
Results of the Mini Show on Friday 6th September 2024
Class 1. Collection of 4 Vegetables
1st John Foster
2nd Chris Doyle
3rd Carol French
Class 2. Five Tomatoes
1st Rob Moore
2nd John Foster
3rd Carol French
Class 3. Three Potatoes
1st Carol French
2nd Rob Moore
3rd John Foster
Class 4. Six Runner Beans
1st Louise Clubley
2nd Rob Moore
3rd Val Cheeseman
Results of the Mini Show on Friday 7th June 2024
Class 1. A vase of 5 rose stems
1st Jo Graham
2nd Suzanne Brown
3rd Chris Doyle
Class 2. A vase of shrub material grown for foliage effect
1st Jo Graham
2nd Lynne Moore
3rd Linda Salt
Class 3. A display of flowers from the garden, in a basket
1st Lynne Moore
2nd Jo Graham
3rd Louise Clubley
Friday 1st March 2024 Topic - Daffodils
Class 1:Tall Daffodils:
1st Bob Hodges
2nd Rosemary Thompson
3rd Gill Munslow
Class 2: Short Daffodils:
1st Rosemary Thompson
2nd Louise Clubley
3rd Lynne Moore
Friday 1st December - topic: Photography
Class 1 - Architecture
1st Christine Osbourne
2nd Louise Clubley
3rd Linda Salt
Class 2 – A Local Scene – taken within 5 miles of the Church
1st Linda Salt
2nd David White
3rd Bob Hodges
Class 3 – A single flower in close-up
1st Louise Clubley
2nd June Knight
3rd Christine Osbourne
Class 4 – A Black and White Picture
1st Linda Salt
2nd Louise Clubley
3rd Janet Brian
1. All pictures must be originals, taken by the entrant and not exhibited before.
2. Pictures to be no larger than 7” x 5”, unframed and with a background mount, no larger than 1” outside the photo, coloured to complement the picture.
3. Pictures may be titled if you wish but the title must be within the mount
4. You may enter all categories, but only one entry per person per class
Friday 10th November - Domestic
Class 1. Five Fruit Scones
1st Doreen Millard
2nd Sylvia Hodges
3rd Margaret White
Class 2. Five Cheese Straws
1st Sylvia Hodges
2nd Doreen Millard
Class 3. Vegetable Cake
1st Jo Graham
2nd Linda Salt
3rd Jenny Girdler
Friday 6th October 2023- Dahlias
Class 1 - Vase of Dahlia, any number, can include foliage for effect
1st Louise Clubley
2nd Jo Graham
Class 2 - One vase, 3 blooms - any size - decorative cactus or semi cactus
1st Jo Graham
2nd Kathy McGilcrest
3rd Sylvia Hodges
Class 3 - One Vase, 3 blooms - any colour - singles
1st Jo Graham
2nd Louise Clubley
Class 4 - One vase, 3 blooms - Any other not mentioned above
1st Louise Clubley
2nd Jo Graham
Friday 1st September 2023
Topic: Vegetables - There are 6 classes plus a Top Tray Competition
Top Tray
1st Louise Clubley
2nd Carol French
Class 1. Three potatoes, one variety - white or coloured.
1st Linda Salt
2nd Rob Moore
Class 2. Five medium tomatoes with calyx
1st Rob Moore
2nd Carol French
3rd Sylvia Hodges
Class 3. Six runner beans with stalks attached
1st Louise Clubley
2nd Rob Moore
3rd Gill Munslow
Class 4. Collection of four vegetables, one of each kind. Space allowed 1’6” (450mm) square
1st Rob Moore
2nd Val Cheeseman
3rd Carol French
Class 5. A truss of tomatoes
1st Carol French
2nd Gill Munslow
3rd Sylvia Hodges
Class 6. The longest runner bean
1st Gill Munslow
2nd Sylvia Hodges
3rd Rob Moore
Bourne Valley Top Tray Competition.
The Bourne Valley Top Tray class is for a collection of three types of vegetables, three of each type. Each type of vegetable will be judged out of a total of 20 points. This is split into three sections as follows: 7 points for size, shape and colour; 7 points for condition; 6 points for uniformity. The overall mark will therefore be out of a total of 60.
All vegetables are to be displayed for effect. The vegetables must be displayed within an area measuring 45cm x 6Ocm (18 x 24in), without bending any part of them. No part of any exhibit may exceed the size of the tray. A tray or board measuring 45cm x 60cm (18 x 24in) can be used to display the vegetables, or the area can simply be marked on the staging. Where a tray has a lip or edge, it is the internal measurements that must not exceed 45cm x 60cm (18 x 24in).
A black cloth is permitted, and the tray may be painted. Parsley is allowed for garnishing, but no other foliage. Accessories, such as plates, sand, rings, etc., are allowed. Onion tops maybe tied or whipped using raffia or string.
The small hall will be open from 7.00 until the meeting starts at 7.45 for staging of your entries. When you arrive, please check in with the Show Manager, Rupert Lambert who will direct you the correct table and assign numbers to your entries.
Friday 2nd June 2023: Topic - Flowers
Top Vase - The Bourne Valley Top Vase class is for a vase of mixed flowering stems containing a total of between five and ten stems, taken from a minimum of two different kinds of plants. Please note that it is two different KINDS of plants; two varieties of the same plant are NOT two kinds. No accessories will be allowed. Foliage, which is growing naturally from the flowering stem, and still attached to that stem, is allowed.
1st Louise Clubley
2nd Gill Munslow
3rd Kathy McGilcrest
Class 1: A vase of mixed annual flowers
1st Jo Graham
2nd Georgina Ibeta
3rd Louise Clubley
Class 2: A vase of shrub material grown for foliage effect
1st Chandra Advani
2nd Jo Graham
3rd Rob Moore
Class 3: A vase of 5 rose stem
1st Chris Doyle
2nd Louise Clubley
3rd Jo Graham
Class 4: A Coronation Display to include flowers and a basket – no other limitations
1st Lynne Moore
2nd Chris Doyle
3rd Christina Ashdown
Friday 5th May 2023: Topic - Pot Plants
Class 1 - Flowering Plants
1st David Ashdown
Class 2 - Foliage Plants
1st Lynne Moore
2nd Rupert Lambert
3rd Linda Salt
Friday 14th April 2023: Topic - Knitting: A hand-made toy or novelty item.
1st Janet Brian
2nd Louise Clubley
3rd Georgina Ibeta
Friday 3rd March 2023 Topic - Daffodils
Class 1:Tall Daffodils.
1st Margaret White
2nd Sylvia Hodges
3rd John Foster
Class 2: Short Daffodils:
1st Jenny Girdler
2nd Janet Hodges
3rd Rosemary Thompson
Friday 4th March 2022 Topic - Daffodils
Class 1:Tall Daffodils.
1st Bob Hodges
2nd Lynn and Rob Moore,
3rd David Ashdown
Class 2: Short Daffodils:
1st Bob Hodges,
2nd, Jo Graham,
3rd Margaret White
Friday 1st April Topic - Knitting: A hand-made toy or novelty item.
1st prize: Anne Ross
2nd Prize: June Baxter
3rd Prize: Louise Clubley
Friday 6th May Topic - Pot Plants, pot maximum diameter 10"
Class 1: Flowering Pot Plants
1st prize: Malcolm Stewart
2nd Prize: Margaret White
3rd Prize: Margaret Stewart
Class 2: Foliage Pot Plants
1st prize: Louise Clubley
2nd Prize: Janet Hodges
3rd Prize: June Baxter
Friday 3rd June Topic - Flowers
The Bourne Valley Top Vase
1st prize: Jo Graham
2nd Prize: Margaret White
3rd Prize: Gill Munslow
Class 1: A vase of mixed annual flowers
1st prize: Jo Graham
2nd Prize: Louise Clubley
Class 2: A vase of shrub material grown for foliage effect
1st prize: Jo Graham
2nd Prize: Rob Moore
3rd Prize: Sheila Fraser
Class 3: A vase of 5 rose stems
1st prize: Jo Graham
2nd Prize: Chris Doyle
3rd Prize: Suzanne Brown
Class 4: A Platinum Jubilee Display in red, white and blue, to include flowers and a basket – no other limitations.
1st prize: Lynn Moore
2nd Prize: Linda Salt
3rd Prize: Christina Ashdown
Friday 2nd September Topic - Vegetables
Bourne Valley Top Tray
1st Prize: Keith Hine
2nd Prize: Janet Hodges
3rd Prize: Louise Clubley
Class 1: Potatoes
1st Prize: Keith Hine
2nd Prize: David White
3rd Prize: Louise Clubley
Class 2: Tomatoes
1st Prize: Keith Hine
2nd Prize: David Ashdown
3rd Prize: Margaret White
Class 3: Runner Beans
1st Prize: Helen Mayne
2nd Prize: Gill Munslow
Class 4: Four Vegetables
1st Prize: Keith Hine
2nd Prize: Louise Clubley
3rd Prize: Janet Hodges
4th Prize: Margaret White
Friday 7th October Topic - Dahlias
Class 1. Dahlia, one vase, one bloom, giant or large
1st Prize: Keith Hine
2nd Prize: Shirley Hodges
3rd Prize: Kathy McGilcrest
Class 2. Dahlias, one vase, three blooms, medium. Decorative cactus or semi-cactus
1st Prize: Keith Hine
2nd Prize: Louise Clubley
3rd Prize: Jo Graham
Class 3. Dahlias, one vase, three blooms, small or miniature. Decorative cactus, semi-cactus or ball
1st Prize: Keith Hine
2nd Prize: Louise Clubley
3rd Prize: Jo Graham
Class 4. Dahlias, one vase, three blooms. Any other ie waterlily, collarette, pompoms etc.
1st Prize: Keith Hine
2nd Prize: Louise Clubley
3rd Prize: Amanda Goldsmith
Friday 11th November - Photography
Class 1 - Architecture
1st Prize: Linda Salt
2nd Prize: David Ashdown
3rd Prize: Bob Hodges
Class 2 – A Local Scene
1st Prize: Chris Doyle
2nd Prize: Margaret White
3rd Prize: Linda Salt
Class 3 – A single flower in close-up
1st Prize: Louise Clubley
2nd Prize: Bob Hodges
3rd Prize: June Knight
Class 4 – A Black and White Picture
1st Prize: Christine Beddows
2nd Prize: Rosemary Thomson
3rd Prize: Janet Brian
Friday 2nd December Topic - Domestic
Class 1. Five Fruit Scones
1st Prize: Sheila Fraser
2nd Prize: Margaret White
3rd Prize: Doreen Millard
Class 2. Five Cheese Straws
1st Prize: Sylvia Hodges
2nd Prize: Lynn Moore
3rd Prize: Jo Graham
Class 3. Five Christmas Themed Cup Cakes
1st Prize: Lynn Moore
2nd Prize: Janet Brian
3rd Prize: Christina Ashdown
Class 4. Gingerbread Person
1st Prize: Linda Salt
2nd Prize: Tony Clark
3rd Prize: Louise Clubley