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Potted Plants

Committee Members

The President, Vice President and Committee Members are listed below. The Committee is comprised of a dedicated team of horticultural enthusiasts who meet on a regular basis. Committee Members can be contacted via the below contact details, or by using the Contact Form.  

Acting President - John Foster

01932 348306

John is a long standing Club member who has made a tremendous contribution over the years, particularly as Social Secretary. He finds time to run his own allotment as well as volunteering at RHS Wisley

Chairman - David Clubley

07842 975145

David has been a member for many years and much enjoys his garden, particularly growing vegetables for the table

Secretary - Melissa Gill


Melissa has been an active member for many years, runs at least two allotments and is a mine of useful information. She is also an invaluable help when it comes to providing cakes for Friday meetings. She also makes homemade jams, jellies and preserves. Her produce is on sale at our meetings and half of the cash proceeds are donated to Club funds.

Treasurer - Louise Clubley

Tel: 01932 347297

Louise has a large garden and is a dedicated grower of a variety of fruit, flowers and vegetables. Her surpluses of greenhouse raised plants are always perfect and quickly snapped up at our annual Plant Sale.

Annual Show Manager - Rupert Lambert

Tel: 01932 343035

Rupert is a full time gardener at RHS Wisley. He’s a font of all knowledge and an invaluable source of information especially when it comes to plant identification and spelling!

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Chris Hollis




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Committee Vacancy

© 2021 Woodham & New Haw Horticultural Club

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